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Kristina & Noah — Minted




Our Story

Meet The Prestons

In 2008, Noah and I met through mutual friends (*shoutout Kai and Bobby*). Over the next few years, we would run into each other at random events, and remained in contact on AIM and BBM 🤪. We reconnected in 2011, after Noah transferred to LMU. It was during my last semester in college that we would sit in Noah's car in the LMU parking lot as we waited for class to start--or in the hallways of the library as we studied for finals--and talked for hours, about everything. Once I graduated, we continued hanging out over the summer, and we never stopped.

In March 2018, while I was living in New York, Noah asked me to visit him in Los Angeles to see him participate as a guest speaker for a career panel at LMU. Since this was something he did from time to time, I agreed to visit. Once in LA, Noah told me that the panel coordinator asked him to stop by LMU the evening before the event to pick up a travel stipend and do a run through of the panel format.

On March 24, 2018, we met Ms. Raby, the LMU Library Events Manager, who, unbeknownst to me, had coordinated with Noah to distract me as he set up cameras in one of the library study rooms. At the same time, many of our family and friends secretly gathered in the coffee shop that was adjacent to the library. Eventually, Ms. Raby led me into the study room that had been surveilled by Noah. Pretending to forget her phone at her desk, she left us two alone. And that evening--in the same study room where we had spent so many hours studying when we were in college--Noah got down on one knee and asked me to marry him.

Fast forward to 2020. As you all know, Noah and I had to cancel our dream wedding less than three weeks before it was set to take place. But despite COVID's plans, we decided to have an intimate backyard wedding ceremony on April 4, 2020. We had eight close friends and family members in attendance, and hundreds of friends and family watching virtually. We can't express how special that day was... it was intimate, spontaneous, and filled with love. But now it's time to celebrate our union, once and for all, with all of you. Let's get ready to party and #meettheprestons on August 14, 2021.